At Equity Switch Partners we understand that investors have different goals and ambitions regarding their investments. While we encourage investors to make their own decisions regarding the suitability of businesses they choose to incorporate into their portfolio, we are also able to support those wanting general diversification across the entire portfolio. Find below some information to better understand which group of investors you would be more suited towards.
Passive Investor
Minimum Investment – £25K per business
This group is suitable for those not wanting to be involved in the strategic decisions of the businesses invested in. It is also suitable for those seeking general diversification and a stake across a number of businesses in the portfolio.
Active Investor
Minimum Investment - £75K per business
Our Active Investors are typically entrepreneurs in their own right with 10 + years experience running midsized businesses. They are able to provide a wealth of experience and as such form the board of directors on the businesses they invest in. Any strategic decisions regarding expansion, dividend payments and capital expenditures require the input and approval of the board of directors. An active investor needs to meet the minimum investment but also needs to have relevant work experience before being appointed to the board.